Entries by santoshk_vlad

Save the Oceans to Save the Planet: Part 1 Understanding the Issues

We give little thought to the oceans of the world and the importance they have in sustaining all life on the planet.  We treat the oceans as a bounty for providing fish into the human diet, and as a transport medium for the world’s trade.  Those who visit the coastlines or islands of the world […]

Save the Oceans to Save the Planet: Part 2 Developing Solutions

In part 1 we provided an overview of the existential crisis facing the oceans, and by extension, the survival and the quality of life of humanity and other life on the planet due to the challenges to which the oceans are being subjected. That overview makes it clear that the oceans are integrated closely with […]

Save the Oceans to Save the Planet, Part 3: A Framework for Implementation

As we have seen in the first two parts of this series, an existential crisis is facing, not only humanity, but the entire world.  We have explored a number of aspects of this crisis and begun to understand the various types of solutions that will be required to solve this crisis in a timely manner.  […]

Save the Oceans to Save the Planet, Part 4: Tough Choices to Achieve Real Solutions

There are numerous vested interests, spanning the entire globe, which make the issues surrounding the degradation of the ocean and the ability of the planet to sustain human life and civilization, virtually impossible to resolve from our normal perspectives.  Any change that seems necessary or even critical for our future is opposed by those who […]

The Wisdom of Tibet

By the Dalai Lama Item # 990 064 168 pp pb$12.95 ISBN 0-940985-36-5 Item # 990 065 168 pp hb$19.95 ISBN 0-940985-38-1 The Heart of Compassion guides us step by step to an understanding of our human condition and how we can act to achieve a higher fulfillment than pure worldly enjoyment. He helps us […]

Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish or Hindu Astrology, is the traditional astrology of India and stems from its spiritual and yogic culture going back thousands of years. It integrates karma and spiritual destiny with the unfolding of the current life of the individual. As such it goes far beyond the information generally provided by Western astrology. […]

David Frawley

David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Sastri) “David Frawley is one of the most important scholars of Ayurveda and Vedic Science today. I have great respect and admiration for his knowledge and the way he has expounded the ancient wisdom of the Vedas.” Deepak Chopra “Frawley is an Indian in an American body. The ease with which […]

Robert Kleinman

Robert Kleinman The constant throughout Robert Kleinman’s life has been a deep interest in the cosmos and the individual’s place in it. As he explains in his book, he was awakened to the wonders of the universe as a teenaged soldier during a spiritual experience on a WWII battlefield in France. After completing his Army […]

IWE Affiliations

The Institute works with the following organizations on an ongoing basis: • Sri Aurobindo Studies YouTube Channel • Sri Aurobindo Studies Daily Blog • Sri Aurobindo’s Writings Facebook Page • Institute for Wholistic Education Facebook Page • Lotus Press Facebook Page • Lotus Press (US publisher of Sri Aurobindo’s books and books on Ayurveda, Reiki and […]